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Product Brochure

An Overview of Our Products & Services

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Assessment Profiles

Winslow Dynamics Profile

product_brochure.jpgThis comprehensive assessment program is the "Flag Ship" product of Winslow Research Institute. It measures the 24 personality characteristics related to career success and personal contentment. This Internet based, user-friendly program, assists management in hiring the best available applicant for all responsible positions in the organization. This same assessment, with additional components, is a unique development program to enhance the performance of all current employees. The assessment time is less than one hour, and results are available on the Internet within minutes after the assessment is complete. Other applications for this product include; individual development, personal coaching programs, training needs analysis, along with several other applications.)

Winslow Discovery Profile
This assessment program measures 16 of the 24 Winslow Personality Characteristics. This user-friendly program was created and validated for hourly employees in organizations. It can assist in hiring the best available applicant for many hourly positions lower on your organizational chart. It is also utilized as a development program to enhance the performance of hourly employees when cost and/or time are considerations. The assessment time is approximately forty-five minutes, and results are immediately available on the Internet. This Profile can be used for other applications in your organization, Personal Coaching and individual self-improvement.

Winslow Success Profile
This economical assessment is a derivation of our Athletic Success Profile, and measures the eleven personality characteristics fundamental to success in entry level and minimum hourly positions. This Profile assesses 11 of the Winslow Traits, as they relate to success in unskilled jobs and personal life styles. This program is a "short version" of our comprehensive Dynamics Profile that measures all 24 Winslow Traits. The assessment time is less than 30 minutes and the primary applications for this product are selection and development of minimum hourly workers. It can also be utilized as an economic basic program for developing this level of employees.

Individual Self-improvement Profile & Report
Individuals may purchase any of the three Winslow Standard Profiles for self-improvement. They are stand-alone products or may be included as a value-added component of other development programs and/or products. For example, one Profile is an optional component in Dr. Denis Waitley's "New Dynamics of Winning" audiocassette tape program, and another is a mandatory component of his "Dynamics of Winning Personal Coaching Program."

Personal Success Survey
This self-scoring, disposable paper & pencil, personality profile is utilized by our consultants, trainers and clients to introduce individuals to the assessment process. It takes approximately fifteen minutes to complete and score, and provides immediate feedback on three of the personality traits related to success in most positions and careers: "Ambition," "Self-confidence," and "Tough-mindedness." The primary application for this product is to demonstrate the accuracy and value of assessments. It is also used to enhance presentations made by public speakers.

Custom Assessments

Custom Assessment Program
This unique custom program includes consultation with management of the organization which results in: identification of the most appropriate Winslow Assessment Profile, customization of one or more of the Position Success Profiles (that indicate the behavioral requirements for the position), and customization of the name of the assessment profile and the assessment results report for the client.

Elite Custom Assessment System
thankyou.jpgThis assessment program is the ultimate assessment program available to organizations. A custom assessment is created for clients, based on the results of a formal Position Analysis conducted for a specific position. The assessment measures only the personality traits related to success in the position. This concept reduces the time required to complete the assessment and the fee for the Winslow Reports. Titles of the custom assessment and the report of the assessment results are specified by the client. Unique Position Compatibility Summaries, comparing each participant's behavior to the specific behavioral requirements of the position, are included to enhance employee development and/or applicant selection.

Winslow Profile Certifications

End-user Client Certification
This Certification enables end-user organizations to manage the Winslow Selection and Development Programs on a private Internet website for their organization. They can administer the Assessments to employees and applicants, compare participants to the behavioral requirements of any positions, and view or print the Winslow Reports at their location and convenience. Two employees are trained and certified to work with the Reports within the organization. The Report fees are lower when organizations are certified.

Individual Certifications
Individual employees of an organization can be trained and certified to work with the Winslow Profiles and Reports. They can administer their organization's assessment activity on the Winslow Website and review Reports with participants and management. They can access and share with others all the various Report versions, Personality Profiles, Success Profile, Position Compatibility Summaries, Group Profiles and other components.

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